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Toni Kenyon
Jun 24, 20221 min read
Chickens in my small suburban garden
I've always loved birds and it was inevitable that I would one day end up with chickens in my backyard. I wrote a lovely piece here about...

Toni Kenyon
Oct 25, 20211 min read
A Wet Day in our Urban Food Garden
I guess I should be grateful for the rain, at least it means that the bees won't swarm! It's Labour Weekend here in New Zealand. It...

Toni Kenyon
Sep 6, 20211 min read
Late Winter 2021 Garden & Hoophouse Tour
It's very early spring as I post this on the blog. I like to take video of the garden to document it as much for myself as anyone else....

Toni Kenyon
Jul 11, 20217 min read
Why you should have backyard chickens
What comes first, the chicken or the egg? In my situation, it was definitely the chicken. On the anniversary of ‘the gals’ (as they have...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 22, 20211 min read
February in our Urban Garden / Food Forest
Welcome to my garden! Lots of people have asked me to share what we're doing on our small 518sqm urban garden--so here you go. The garden...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 5, 20214 min read
Why morning is the best time in the garden
I walked out of the living room and slipped my feet into my low cut ‘gumboots’. Gumboots are ‘Wellington boots’ if you’re in the United...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 16, 20215 min read
My Top 5 no-dig garden mentors
How many of these amazing people do you know? These are the people who have influenced the way that I garden, they have changed my life...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 11, 20214 min read
Who is for
Do you want to eat healthy, home grown food, but you just don't think it's as easy as everyone says it is? I got tired of looking around...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 8, 20212 min read
February in a backyard food forest
We've been harvesting peaches like mad people over the last week. Over 12 kg stewed and now in the freezer! We stewed 4kgs of plums as...
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