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Toni Kenyon
May 31, 20221 min read
Worm Tea for your Herbs & Garden
Is it worm tea or leachate? Frankly, I don't care and the debate can rage around me. I've been putting the liquid that comes out of my...

Toni Kenyon
Dec 28, 20212 min read
Grape Leaves Packed with Vitamins C, E, A, K & B6
It's the time of year when the grapes go bonkers growing. In this video I talk to you about why I have to prune them. We use our grape...

Toni Kenyon
Dec 27, 20211 min read
The Urban Forest Garden - November 2021
This video was filmed in November in my 518 sqm suburban forest garden! The herbs were sprouting again from their winter sleep and...

Toni Kenyon
Oct 25, 20211 min read
A Wet Day in our Urban Food Garden
I guess I should be grateful for the rain, at least it means that the bees won't swarm! It's Labour Weekend here in New Zealand. It...

Toni Kenyon
Sep 26, 20211 min read
Growing, Drying & Processing Nasturtium from my Home Herb Garden
Welcome to my 518 sqm urban garden! I grow herbs, fruit and vegetables in a suburban backyard in New Zealand. The chickens and the bees...

Toni Kenyon
Aug 15, 20213 min read
Garden Herbs for Health: Rosemary
While most people associate Rosemary with a good Sunday night roast dinner, I like to think about how this aromatic plant to help me with...

Toni Kenyon
Aug 1, 20215 min read
Making Your Own Seasoning Combinations from Herbs
There's nothing I love more than throwing a handful of fresh herbs into my cooking. It's almost an evening meditation for me, pottering...

Toni Kenyon
Jul 18, 20213 min read
Herbal Tea - My Midday Meditation
Someone asked me recently what I put in my herbal tea and I thought it was an interesting question, because I don't really think about...

Toni Kenyon
Jul 11, 20217 min read
Why you should have backyard chickens
What comes first, the chicken or the egg? In my situation, it was definitely the chicken. On the anniversary of ‘the gals’ (as they have...

Toni Kenyon
Jun 13, 20217 min read
Why We Chose Our Hoop House
Glass House vs Hoop House We deliberated for such a long time, but in the end we decided to go with a Hoop House for our Auckland urban...

Toni Kenyon
May 29, 20213 min read
Composting Solutions for Small Gardens
How can I compost in a small garden? Contrary to what a lot of you may believe from looking at the photographs of my garden, I don't...

Toni Kenyon
May 1, 20211 min read
April Tour of the Hoop House
Welcome to my hoop house! Come and take a walk with me through my backyard hoop house. I'll show you what I'm growing and talk about what...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 27, 20214 min read
Herbs You Can Happily Plant Together
Like most of us, Herbs like to hang out in groups. You'll have better results in your Herb garden if you group your herb plants based on...

Toni Kenyon
Apr 20, 20213 min read
5 Mistakes Beginners make when Growing Herbs
Growing from seed As much as I love growing herbs from seed, sometimes they don't love me. Starting any kind of plant in the garden from...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 22, 20211 min read
February in our Urban Garden / Food Forest
Welcome to my garden! Lots of people have asked me to share what we're doing on our small 518sqm urban garden--so here you go. The garden...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 21, 20214 min read
Herb Garden Care & Maintenance
I've banged on a length about how easy herbs are to grow and how forgiving they are, but they still need a few vital things to keep them...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 20, 20215 min read
8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Herbs
Growing your own herbs and starting your own herb patch is a fantastic addition to any garden, balcony or deck. If you're new to growing...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 17, 20214 min read
Eight Reasons You Should Be Growing Your Own Herbs
My love affair with herbs began many years ago--more than I care to remember. Many people think of herbs as plants simply used to enhance...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 11, 20215 min read
How I use worms to recycle my kitchen waste into fantastic fertiliser:
aka - Why I love my worm farm If I can find a way to close the loop on my own waste and keep that waste out of a land fill, then I'm all...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 22, 20214 min read
9 Best Tips for Easy Compost
Compost is the main-stay of the no-dig garden. I could have headlined this post "All the dirt on the dirt!" Without a good layer of...
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