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Toni Kenyon
Jun 8, 20221 min read
My Bucket Compost Method
I've written before about composting in small spaces, but my bucket compost method is one that I come back to often. I love it because...

Toni Kenyon
May 31, 20221 min read
Worm Tea for your Herbs & Garden
Is it worm tea or leachate? Frankly, I don't care and the debate can rage around me. I've been putting the liquid that comes out of my...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 26, 20221 min read
6 Week Weed Wisdom Challenge
Have you joined our 6 week challenge yet? Herbs have been referred to as 'weeds' from the dawn of time. Why weeds? Well, because weeds...

Toni Kenyon
Dec 27, 20211 min read
The Urban Forest Garden - November 2021
This video was filmed in November in my 518 sqm suburban forest garden! The herbs were sprouting again from their winter sleep and...

Toni Kenyon
Oct 25, 20211 min read
A Wet Day in our Urban Food Garden
I guess I should be grateful for the rain, at least it means that the bees won't swarm! It's Labour Weekend here in New Zealand. It...

Toni Kenyon
Jul 25, 20214 min read
Garden Seed Storage Solutions
A glossy, colourful seed catalogue found its way to my mail box the other day. This is a dangerous time of the year for me. Soon my inbox...

Toni Kenyon
Jun 27, 20214 min read
Micro Greens 101
I promised you a blog about micro greens. Immediate disclaimer—I don’t grow micro greens in containers—but I do grow lots of cut and come...

Toni Kenyon
Jun 20, 20214 min read
Seed Sprouting
I spend a lot of time standing on my ‘seed box’ telling you why you should be growing greens—even if you have little or no space to...

Toni Kenyon
Jun 13, 20217 min read
Why We Chose Our Hoop House
Glass House vs Hoop House We deliberated for such a long time, but in the end we decided to go with a Hoop House for our Auckland urban...

Toni Kenyon
May 29, 20213 min read
Composting Solutions for Small Gardens
How can I compost in a small garden? Contrary to what a lot of you may believe from looking at the photographs of my garden, I don't...

Toni Kenyon
May 1, 20211 min read
April Tour of the Hoop House
Welcome to my hoop house! Come and take a walk with me through my backyard hoop house. I'll show you what I'm growing and talk about what...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 22, 20211 min read
February in our Urban Garden / Food Forest
Welcome to my garden! Lots of people have asked me to share what we're doing on our small 518sqm urban garden--so here you go. The garden...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 11, 20215 min read
How I use worms to recycle my kitchen waste into fantastic fertiliser:
aka - Why I love my worm farm If I can find a way to close the loop on my own waste and keep that waste out of a land fill, then I'm all...

Toni Kenyon
Mar 5, 20214 min read
Why morning is the best time in the garden
I walked out of the living room and slipped my feet into my low cut ‘gumboots’. Gumboots are ‘Wellington boots’ if you’re in the United...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 22, 20214 min read
9 Best Tips for Easy Compost
Compost is the main-stay of the no-dig garden. I could have headlined this post "All the dirt on the dirt!" Without a good layer of...

Toni Kenyon
Feb 19, 20214 min read
The beginners guide to no-dig vegetable gardening
Why did I choose no-dig gardening for my small urban plot? Mainly because we had no top soil and a scraped bare patch of land to begin...
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