So I talked about my own struggle with self-care at the beginning of this week. Of course, it’s not only when I’m trying to get back into my yearly routine that I struggle with self-care.
I’m a mother and a wife and a (sort of) employee (I’m my boss can be a real hard task mistress!).
I’m also a sister and a daughter and a daughter-in-law and a friend and a sponsor for my 12-step girlies, so I have a lot going on in my life.
It’s easy to see why (sometimes) my own self-care regime ends up in the dustbin, or at best at the bottom of the never-ending “To Do” list.
So, what are my five best tips for making sure that I take care of myself?
1. Make an appointment with me and commit to it in writing. You know I love writing things down in my Passion Pulse and I’m a great To-Do-List freak. But actually blocking out the time for myself is always my best and most assured way of making the time for me to do something good for me.
2. Find a way of incorporating something you love into your daily routine. I have a cat, darling Freyja. Some days Freyja thinks that she’s a dog...I kid you not...she chases a ball around the garden and loves to play hide & seek at night when the lighting is low. So, one of the things I make sure that I do every day is have some garden time with Freyja. As soon as I step outside, she arrives--almost out of nowhere. We play chase the ball in the garden, we check out the fruit trees, squash a few bugs, all that good gardening stuff. It’s not only good for the food that we grow (to be free of pesky bugs) but it’s also good for me and Freyja to have some down time in the garden.
3. Don’t be frightened to take a ‘mental health’ day. Sometimes I just need to close the computer and turn off my phone and disconnect from the electronic web. On those days I like to read a book--preferably in bed all day. I get up to make tea and meals, but then I take them back to bed. Try it. You’ll be amazed at how liberating it is and how much more you get achieved the next day because you’ve had some rest.
4. Write a gratitude list. You know I try to practice gratitude every day, but when things are really tough and I’m struggling, I write a list. There’s nothing like seeing it all there in black and white (or green & purple glitter & white--if you subscribe to writing with glitter pens like I do.)
5. Connect with my Higher Power. I connect in nature (hence the garden and the large amount of walking I do) but I also connect by prayer and meditation and by reading uplifting spiritual material.
I find that one of the above, or a combination of them, helps to get me back on track with looking after myself.
Taking an action has always been a great solution for me. It helps in so many ways and don’t be confused. Sitting in bed and reading (although it looks like doing nothing) is actually taking an action.
It’s an action of appreciating me.
How are you going to appreciate you today?
Yours in love & gratitude,
Toni x
Check out “Attitude of Gratitude” for more help with self-care. You can start right now. Check out the page here.